Assault On Trip At Sacred Ground!

The Story Begins when Ichigo and Rukia are at a very popular show, “Drop-in”, in which Don Kanonji supposedly exorcises spirits. Ichigo kurosaki hates these shows but goes to appease his father and Yuzu. Things go awry; however, when Kanonji opens the hole in the chest of a demi-Hollow (spirit bound to the earth by regrets), thinking he is exorcising it, thus turning it into a Hollow. Ichigo must fight this Hollow without involving the innocent bystanders. Is that possible? Well, he does get some help from Urahara and Kanonji, the “hero”, himself.

For the end-up of this episode Ichigo kurosaki explains what had happened, telling him how his actions provoked its advanced transformation into a Hollow. Don Kan'onji is grieved by a lifetime of failures, because he had not understood what he had been doing. Ichigo tells him to go back to his earnest crowd and continue being the hero that he had prided himself on being. Don Kan'onji thanks him for everything, for inspiring him with his strength, with and bravery.

Kanonji respects Ichigo Kurosaki on the good fight, saying that he admires his courage, wit and strength. He would like Ichigo to lend him strength in the future – as his number 1 disciple. Ichigo is pissed that he got demoted. Then two fighters are both shake their hand…