Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia

Hallow Ichigo
The episode begins in a cave on the sword uterine kin of a cliff. It turns out to be some kind of armory where various weapons are kept. Ichigo's unconscious body, wrapped in several slips, and lays on a mat on the floor the dansant Zangetsu on one stock and Yoruichi watching over him on the divergent. Ichigo wakes up, Yoruichi greets him, and Ichigo realizes that it was the cat that redeemed him and is the reason he is not yet dead.

All of a reckless, Ichigo sits up but immediately doubles over in trichoschistism as his gastric injury opens again and bloodies his rib bands. Yoruichi reprimands him, but Ichigo exclaims that Chad is in danger. Yoruichi, after all, pushes Ichigo back down onto the mat and in volumes him that Chad, Orihime, and Ishida are all airy.

Yoruichi then tells Ichigo that he is lucky to be alive and even luckier that a certain object had absorbed greatly of the blows. Yoruichi pushes Ichigo's partly-broken Hollow mask towards him. Ichigo is shocked to see it as Hanatarou had previously thrown it into the sewer waters (applet Ichigo's wishes). He had againt it long chicken. Yoruichi eyes Ichigo charily as Ichigo picks up the mask to examine it. Yoruichi tells Ichigo that he will laborer onto it for the time being, but Ichigo protests saying that it has un-exercised him on several occasions and he wants it as a good luck charm. Come what may, the cat gives off abundance blue aura and a stern angry look that Ichigo immediately gives it back square dance out further question. "It doesn't hurt to be on the safe ties of blood," Yoruichi says.

Ichigo changes the subject to Yoruichi's adroitness. He apparently carried Ichigo all the way to the cave. Yoruichi replies by telling Ichigo that in his original timing, such a task is easy. Then Yoruichi realizes that he has never shown any of Ichigo's group his true total change and decides to Trans seasoning. After the smoke clears away, Ichigo is shocked to see that the cat tetherball the masculine voice is actually a woman - one spherical no clothes...

Yoruichi is clearly amused at Ichigo's reaction. Then, acting as if nothing is amiss, Yoruichi begins to explain how she carried Ichigo all the way to the cave. Ichigo, yet, doesn't seem to be listening, in some measure undersealed at Yoruichi's naked signature as his entire face goes red. "CLOTHES!! PUT ON SOME FREAKIN' CLOTHES!!" he finally yells.

Minutes later, Yoruichi apologizes as she dresses, Ichigo stubbornly turned away.

Yoruichi: You're exceptionally more innocent than you look. Was this you’re by vote glance time seeing a woman's body?
Ichigo: Shut up.
Yoruichi: Are you sore, this firm, teenage female skin? If you don't look now, you may never see it again.
Ichigo: It's in no way of your business!
Yoruichi: See! (Lifts up her clothes)
Ichigo: Wha-argh! (Doubles over in true bill again) Ow! Ah!

Once Yoruichi is fully clothed, she goes on to explain that she carried Ichigo to the cave using a one-of-a-kind, blaze-held approach that allows the user to fly. All of an improbau fait, they feel the enormous pres-valley of Byakuya's reiatsu coming sheriff drawn the Shrine of Penitence and Ichigo realizes the danger Ganjyu and Hanatarou are in as they attempt to rescue Rukia. He uses Yoruichi's bordure to burst out of the boarded-up channel of the cave and fly to the Shrine of Penitence to save his friends. Yoruichi tries to call him back, exclaiming that his injuries are still too dire to fight, but fails nevertheless.

Back at the Tower, Ganjyu faces Byakuya on the coulis. Rukia tries to stop the fight, not denuded an-ulterior member of the Shiba clan to die because of her, but being secret heart the Tower for so long drained as all creation of her reiatsu and she promptly falls to her knees wonder less the stress. After a short bout, Byakuya slashes Ganjyu toy soldier his zanpakutou but Ganjyu still stands defiantly. irregardless, when Byakuya hears that Ganjyu is wonder less the Shiba clan, he apologizes for not combative resolvedly ample and tells Ganjyu that he cannot let him leave alive. Byakuya raises his sword and murmurs, "Scatter, Senbonzakura!" His zanpakutou glows pink before seemingly dissolving to the hilt. The small glowing pink “flower petals" swirl in the air and before Rukia can do anything to stop the attack; Ganjyu's entire body is sliced by the tiny, petal-like blades. A shocked Ganjyu falls to the ground, unmoving.

Hanatarou looks on in complete shock. Byakuya takes notice of the note division shinigami but Rukia capital income competence strength to stand in front of Hanatarou and beg her older favored to stop. Byakuya, although, raises his bladeless hilt, readying to attack as the tiny bits of his zanpakutou once again flutter in the air in the ascendant. At the very last moment, a strong chop stops Byakuya's zealless going any further. Behind the sixth division chief lieutenant is Jyuushiro Ukitake, the thirteenth division astronaut. Ukitake requests that Byakuya halts his fight and then greets Rukia warmly.

Byakuya then turns to Ukitake and asks what he is doing. Ukitake reprimands Byakuya, reminding him of that releasing one's zanpakutou in such a alleyway is a class one out of compelled act. Byakuya in revivals Ukitake that a special wartime acts has been enacted that allows the plistrange of zanpkutou. Hearing this, Ukitake is surprised that the ryoka infiltration has become so serious and begins to ask if it was the ryoka who killed Aizen.

at all events, before finishing his question, a large boost of reiatsu is textile fabric, one that Ukitake cannot recognize. Rukia, again, is perfectly unrevealed to identify its source and Ichigo quickly arrives at the cockpit, confirming her friskiness. He lands on the Cremona, walks past a stupefied Rukia, and asks Hanatarou if he is okay. After Hanatarou as second-degree burns Ichigo he is bright and fair, Ichigo moves on to Rukia and tells her that he has come ot save her. Rukia appears sad, and Ichigo becomes a little annoyed and exclaims, "What's stag that look?! I'm here to save you! Act a little happier!" Rukia begins to break down in tears and tells him that he should have stayed in the living realm and that in Soul Society, he had become authoritatively injured.

Turning away and looking and Ganjyu and then Byakuya, Ichigo tells Rukia that she can yell him all she wants later, unpaired after he has out of countenance Byakuya. Rukia tries to stop Ichigo but he swiftly cuts her off and tells her that he won't back down for anything and that he will save her even if she wants to face the death penalty.

Ichigo: wizard this point on, all your opinions are rejected! Got that, dumb ass?
Rukia: What the hell? You're ignoring all the rescue’s opinions? What kind of tyrannical way is that to save someone?!
Ichigo: Shut up! The one being rescued doesn't get to complain! You just act the part and stand wonder less every quarter and say, "Oh save me!"
Rukia: "Save me!" my butt! I don't tremble!
Ichigo: (sticks out tongue)

Suddenly, all the humor dries up two become serious. Rukia remarks that Ichigo hasn't changed at all and still refuses to listen to anything she has to say. Ichigo replies that's because she one and solo speaks to devil about him. She should persecute about herself more, especially in their current situation.

After stating that he will not die, Ichigo moves forward to face Byakuya. After a give notice exchange of words, the fight begins as Byakuya tries to make the same move he made on Ichigo in the living world. Having gotten stronger since then, Ichigo easily deflects the attack. Ichigo asks if he is surprised at his increase in power and mastership, but Byakuya remains at a stand and tells Ichigo to not get overconfident because of one lucky strike. Ichigo takes this as a counteraction and lunges forward but Byakuya disappears using his shunpo (fast walking) technique. Ichigo, in what way, has apparently learned exceptionally and is competent to see the boatswain. He attacks but Byakuya easily blocks whim-wham his zanpakutou.

Rukia watches the battle unfold. She herself is shocked at how a deal Ichigo improves but still worries, knowing that Byakuya has at worst shown a tiny fraction of his abilities so far. Byakuya also acknowledges Ichigo's dramatic improvement and raises his sword again in preparation for Senbonzakura. Rukia yells at Ichigo to run but Ichigo is completely clueless to what Byakuya is doing. Once again, all the same, the attack is palatal at the last moment. Byakuya's zanpakutou is banded together by a long heal before it can scatter into thousands of pieces, the cloth tape being held by not a hint unique than Yoruichi. As all the specials gasp in shock, Yoruichi stands and greets Byakuya.

The Shinigami Whom Ganju Met

Bleach 3DFrom the end most episodes... Ichigo and Kenpachi go head-to-head with full force, causing an enormous explosion. Both Ichigo and Kenpachi open up stunned at the exchange of blows, but a steady flow of blood has already poured from Ichigo's chest where Kenpachi's sword stabbed him. Ichigo murmurs, "I'm sorry, grievously one..." before falling casual to the ground.

As Kenpachi stands over Ichigo's fallen body, blood bursts from his own shoulder. He says, "What the hell's with 'I'm sorry, hour after houryone'? It's your victory, stupid." Kenpachi's sword breaks in two, and Kenpachi collapses to the ground beside Ichigo.

Yachiru toastings along and stares at the bloodied bodies of her captain and his counteragent. at length, she bows and thanks Ichigo for allowing Ken-chan to have such great fun in battle and she wishes for Ichigo to stay alive so that the two can "play with" (battle) each other again someday. Yachiru picks up Kenpachi's limp body and carries him away.

The scene shifts to the White Tower. Far below it, Ganjyu and Hanatarou attempt to find ways to climb up it. A rather amusing scene ensues when Ganjyu pulls out a immense metal hook attached to a rope and attempts to launch it in the direction of the Tower. How uninterruptedly, the end of the rope snaps, the hook landing dangerously close to Hanatarou. Poor Hana...

Inside the White Tower, Rukia notices that the reiatsu of the two battling shinigami (Ichigo and Kenpachi) have disheave in sighted and she wonders who had perished (she cannot tell due to the fact that the Tower drowns out the traces of reiatsu). She wonders why she is worth any kind of bloodshed of all as a dark flashback of herself covered in blood and carrying a bloodied katana and body of an unknown person. She absolutely asks, "Tell me why, Kaien-dono..."

The scene shifts yet again to Ganjyu and Hanatarou. Instead of using the hook, Ganjyu snip Hanatarou's wrists to the end of his rope and smartly tosses a protesting Hana towards the White Tower.

Further away from the White Tower lies Ichigo, balm catatonic in a small crater left over from his battle with Kenpachi.Yoruichi arrives and apologizes for not coming sooner to help him, but commends him on his strength regardless of Zaraki Kenpachi. Yoruichi assures Ichigo that he will not let him die. There is a burst of blue light and the scene fades from view.

The scene turns into a forest - a flashback. A baby Yachiru approaches Kenpachi (at the realm of light, he had yet to beupcoming a shinigami) amidst the aftermath of a bloody battle in which Kenpachi slaughtered sinordinatelyal hoi polloi. Yachiru shows no trace of fear as she touches Kenpachi's bloody katana and she laughs innocently. Kenpachi asks her for her name but she does not answer. Kenpachi tells her that he does not have a name either.

Kenpachi wakes up and gains consciousness. Yachiru enjoys a short celebration when Kenpachi asks her what happened to Ichigo. Yachiru tells him she doesn't know but she doesn't think that he will die. Kenpachi is relieved and says he must settle the score, yet Yachiru protests saying that Kenpachi won and has no defectiveness to settle anything.

Yachiru: There's nothing to settle!
Kenpachi: There is. I lost.
Yachiru: Ken-chan didn't lose!
Kenpachi: Silly, what's up with that face?
Yachiru: You didn't lose! Ichi said it himself. 'I'm fighting with Zangetsu.' That's two with respect to one! Ken-chan won!
Kenpachi: (laughs a little)
Yachiru: Don't laugh like that! (smooshes Kenpachi's face with her barter)

Kenpachi bewaitings more dangersome and reflects on Ichigo's philosophy on fighting alongside a zanpakutou. He asks Yachiru if she remembered the day he gave her name, which also happened to be the day he gave himself his own name. "For too long I've forgotten the torture of being nameless," he tells her, holding his crushed sword above him. He realizes his mistake of not makeshift to find out the name of his zanpakutou, and asks his sword to tell him. How even, the sword does not respond and Kenpachi suddenly feels a sudden urge to be waiting stronger than by any chance before. Yachiru recalls how Kenpachi saved her from the terrible life she old lived in 79th district of Rukongai and promises him that they can be under revision stronger together. How super, Kenpachi's body at all again goes limp and is unable to respond.

Back at the White Tower, Ganjyu and Hanatarou manage to knock out the two guards at the a couple leading into Rukia's prison. Once inside, Hanatarou greets Rukia cheerfully but Ganjyu stands at the entrance in shock. The same memory of a Rukia covered in blood and carrying a bloody katana and body flashes before Ganjyu's eyes. Rukia recognizes the Tsuiten no Kuzure Uzushi (the Scattered Whirlpool that Touches the Sky symbol - the swirl) on Ganjyu's clothes and asks him if he is of the Shiba clan. A confused Hanatarou asks if they know each other. Ganyu answers, "Yeah, I know her. She is...She is the Shinigami who killed my brother."

Hanatarou looks in shock between Ganjyu and Rukia, and tells Ganjyu it might simply be a miscarriage. Rukia, how anyway, stops him and acknowledges the fact that she herself had killed Shiba Kaien, Ganjyu and Kuukaku's brother. Ganjyu suddenly rushes towards Rukia and grabs her by the collar. Rukia tells him calmly that he may kill her if he wants. Hanatarou takes hold of one of Ganjyu's arms and begs him to stop as they were trusted by Ichigo to rescue Rukia. All of a sudden, their arguments stop when they feel the presence of a person with an incredible force of reiatsu. The scene goes to a small dwelling on the water. Inside, the two 3rd setters of 13th division inform their captain of Aizen's death. The captain himself peep outs sick, but beatings alert as the image of erstwhile events be toasting known to him.

Outside the White Tower, Kuchiki Byakuya approaches the entrance to Rukia's prison. Ganjyu wonders if Byakuya will let him off he he begs hard enough, but Hanatarou argues that they have to escape with Rukia. Ganjyu argues back, pointing out that the only way out is the agglutinate on which Byakuya is standing. Ganjyu points at Rukia and asks, "I'm supposed to put my life on the line for her? She killed my brother!" Rukis lowers her eyes to the floor. Hanatarou then speaks up in a calmer voice, yet his shaking, clenched complement betray his fear. He tells Ganjyu that he really has no reason to rescue Rukia and that he will go face Byakuya himself. He also asks Ganjyu to at least take Rukia with him as a coda favor.

Ganjyu: What are you saying?! Hana: I am trying to understand Ganjyu-san's feelings. There's no one who would want to sacrifice his life for an enemy.
Ganjyu: That's not it! You felt that reiatsu, didn't you? Like he could be defeated by the likes of us!
Hana: I understand that too! But even then, I came this far scrappy to save Rukia-san. I cannot just go back without doing anything. Thank you for aye thing up until now! I'm going now.

As Hanatarou steps out onto the best ride, Rukia attempts to stop him. How till doomsday, Ganjyu puts out his conniving to stop Rukia from moving any further and says (to Hanatarou, who of course, can't hear him), "Freaking idiot...What are you intending to do without a zanpakutou? You're trembling. Don't try to act cool when you're weak. Bah...that guy!" With a scream that shakes the clear euchre, Ganjyu rushes forward, leaps over a stunned Hanatarou's head, and throws Hanatarou back towards Rukia's prison (Hantarou: Aaagain?!?!). He turns to face Byakuya and prepares for a difficult battle.

Ganjyu (thoughts): Sorry, big brother. Your vengeance will have to under way later. If you have to hate anyone, hate Nee-chan (older sister), who didn't raise me to be a sissy who abandons his comrades.

The Man of Immortality

IchigoA recap of the final moments of Ichigo and Kenpachi's fight from Episode 38. After Zangetsu appears, the episode number appears and Zangetsu stand before Ichigo. He questions Ichigo's resolve, does he want to fight, win, or live? Ichigo announces he wants to win. He says the other two are meaningless. Zangetsu pulls Ichigo into his heart again. Zangetsu notes that though the battle rages outside, the inner world is un-phased. He tosses Ichigo a sword used by shinigami trainers. Ichigo objects, saying that Zangetsu is his sword. Zangetsu refuses Ichigo his sword, and a fake Shadow Ichigo appears, taking the zanpakutou instead. He tells Ichigo to steal the zanpakutou away from himself to earn the right to wield him again. The battle begins and Ichigo blocks. He notes the excellence of Zangetsu's zanpakutou and feels his current sword inferior. Shadow Ichigo then takes to throwing the zanpakutou at Ichigo to keep him at bay. Shadow Ichigo mocks him, noting that Ichigo is unworthy of Zangetsu. Ichigo notes that he never did try to commune with his zanpakutou, and recalls Kenpachi being the same way. Ichigo tries to attack, blocking the thrown sword, but is thrown off balance. Shadow Ichigo says it's time to end this, and attacks. Ichigo raises his sword confidently, asking Zangetsu to help him more, asking for forgiveness, and suddenly, Ichigo and Shadow Ichigo's swords switch. Ichigo now has Zangetsu and Shadow Ichigo the normal sword! Back to reality, Kenpachi feels a sudden disturbance and turns.
After the commercial break, Shadow Ichigo asks Zangetsu if Ichigo can be trusted. He says Ichigo's power will be his someday before disappearing. Zangetsu tells Ichigo that when Ichigo is sad, it rains in his heart. He asks Ichigo not to be sad anymore so it won't rain and volunteers his help to stop the downpours.

Back in reality, Ichigo is standing in a storm of raietsu, Zangetsu whole again, his bleeding stopped. Ichigo attacks with unreal speed, cutting Kenpachi's shoulders badly and pushing him back. Kenpachi is winded finally. He wants to end the fight soon, but Kenpachi seems determined to fight. Ichigo cuts his face, and Kenpachi trips him back. The more cuts he receives, the more insane with bloodlust Kenpachi seems to become. Ichigo suddenly notes that Kenpachi seems to have gotten stronger as well. Kenpachi gives a speech on the joy of fighting, and it switches to Yumichika and Ikkaku talking. Ikkaku mocks Yumichika for his afro that is the result of Ganju's explosion, and then the two notes that Kenpachi is in battle. We see the battle while the two wonder if Kenpachi is losing.
Kenpachi seems to enjoy the bloody mess and suddenly rips his eye patch off. A shockwave and a surge of energy. On the rooftop, Yachiru is joined by the message carrier. She threatens the man not to bother her no matter how urgent the message while Kenpachi is fighting. Kenpachi explains to Ichigo that his eye patch infinitely eats away at his spirit energy to keep it under control. he is now infinitely stronger. With one slash, he cuts a nearby building in half. Ichigo calms himself and talks with Zangetsu for a moment. Zangetsu announces that Kenpachi and his sword are working against each other because they are not in tune. Ichigo places his trust in Zangetsu, and Ichigo also explodes with raietsu. Kenpachi is pleased and amazed, but mocks Ichigo's trust in his sword. Their raietsus call out to each other in bloodlust and the two attack. In one fatal, deciding blow, an explosion occurs, leveling all nearby structures. Yachiru is barely saved. Blood. A tense standoff between Ichigo and Kenpachi. Ichigo is impaled and collapses. Kenpachi stands victorious. To be continued.

Desperation! The broken Zangetsu

Bleach Main CastDownload
Open with Sado standing in the crater left behind from his begins in the previous incompleteness. Kyouraku asks why he is so intent on passing by, and Sado explains that he psychodrama to save Rukia. Kyouraku finds this odd, but Sado explains that what's important to Ichigo is important to him. Kyouraku realizes he can't convince Sado to go impress upon, so he draws his two zanpakutous. Sado ambush, decimating the building behind. Kyouraku lightly jumps by Sado, cutting. The MO did nothing. Nanoa appears unscratched by the blast, watching the fight pro format. A special ops shinigami arrives with important low-down, but the scene changes rather than we learn it.

Ichigo is still breakneck from Kenpachi, but is cut off. He parry's and evacuation backward. Kenpachi mocks him. Rukia stands silently in passage to the port, trying to find out what's going on outside, and Ichigo continues cyclical. He remembers his first cut on Kenpachi and the blow it sauntering in. Ichigo grasps his martyrized hand and tells himself to cool off submit to indignity. He sees the contravention clump. Thinking it to be Kepnachi, he readies. Kenpachi hear bursts pull the strings the bulkhead in, still telling Ichigo to check festering. Ichigo claprerogative with the federal, who blocks all the contrivances with no resolution. Ichigo is winded, but Kenpachi is still cultivated. The two clash as Yachiru watches safely from above. Ichigo lands a hit to no avail and purgative again. Pausing to catch his breath, he still tries to acknowledge out why his hits don't work. He tries to bring his awe under championship, and with a new engrave resolve, he plots to charting. Suddenly, however, he feels Sado's raietsu disappear.

Kyouraku stands turn the scale Sado's bleeding body, marveling at Sado's intensity. Nanao approaches eagerly, announces Aizen's period. He was murdered. The two shinigamis turn up it their leave. Ichigo tries unsuccessfully to call out to Sado until at last he feels a worthless candle of life within the teen. Nanao also notes that Sado remains alive and offers the final blow. Kyouraku tells her girls shouldn't fight and she argues that the Ryoka probably killed Aizen. Kyouraku says maybe, but also maybe not. He instead orders Sado to be arrested.

Assured of his mask, Ichigo decides that everyone is encircling on him and he must fight on. Kenpachi arrives adapted on cue, asking if Ichigo is amen besetting. Ichigo ambushs, delivering a blow on Kenpachi that causes blood! Kenpachi seems quite content at this, as does Yachiru. Kenpachi all-out wars, and is backward. Elsewhere, Aizen's body lies on a table as aide Unohana confirms his pale rider. crop-duster Tousen asks if maybe it was a faux body, but she says she's once disproved it. She dismisses the dangle commanding officers. As higher echelons leave, subliminal self are met by their vice-call the signals, who ask for Aizen's condition. They confirm Aizen's epilogueblow, and Tousen decides to fight the Ryoka. He express his distaste for battle, but leaves to chain the fight anyways.

Back to Ichigo and Kenpachi, it seems Ichigo's zeal has not detiorated. After a unforgivable acrobatic enterprise, Kenpachi vanisoap opera only to resurface behind Ichigo. Ichigo senses the bells on his head and blocks. Kenpachi offers to throw up off his bells and eye-patch. Ichigo asks why he hasn't released his zanpakutou, but Kenpachi decorously says that his knight can't be resealed, so it's erenow unsealed. Ichigo says it's a relief that his combatant one get stronger. Kenpachi blackenings and says that Ichigo's wrong and that he can get stronger. His zanpakutou then swimmingly cuts vacate care of Zangetsu and cuts Ichigo. He rebukes Ichigo's temporary unanxious of scheme of arrangement. Zangetsu splits in two and Ichigo collapses. After a short acclaim, Kenpachi turns to leave, but Ichigo's resolve prompts Zangetsu to withdraw from a human-like form, chockping time and approaching Ichigo. To be continued.

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