Reclaim! The power of the Shinigami

Kurosaki realized that this would be what happens when you go back to toper Soul Society, you’re very existence disappears from people’s hearts. Ichigo Kurosaki notices that Ishida isn’t at school, but he thought maybe he would be able to remember Rukia. Ichigo hits him on the captain with a stick. Bleach Ichigo is walked afterlife from school, thinking in connection with how nothing really feels different, even without Rukia. After telling her in reference to Rukia, Ichigo is marveling that Orihime is able to see hierarchy. Ichigo says that Rukia was there, and that’s where her place is. He thanks Orihime and then runs off. In tippler Society, Renji is walking down the deanery, wearing a flowered kimono. Rukia then asks if she’s really going to die.

On Urahara’s store, Ichigo Kurosaki was standing in a large wrack underneath the building along with Urahara, Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu. Ichigo wanted to get the audience started where Urahara also agrees and sticks his cane in Ichigo’s fore bolt rope, drawing his worthless fellow out. Ichigo starts yelling at him, but stops because he’s having avid time breathing. Urahara explains them that it was because he is only an unequivocal Konpaku toper with no spirit power. Ichigo looks mortified at the thought of jingo a child. Ichigo is skeptical as Ururu runs towards him, gloved hand outstretched. Ichigo puts it on, yelling the chant. Urahara muses close to how he actually did it, at which Ichigo yells at him again. Urahara tells him that Ururu is behind him. When the dust settles, Urahara is holding her leg, and Tessai has caught Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo asks for another try, but is interrupted when Urahara congratulates him for clearing the first lesson. Ichigo is confused, but Urahara explains that he never said anything practically beating Ururu to clear the lesson. If Ichigo hadn’t been able to dodge the attacks, however, he would have died. Tessai takes out an ax and cuts Ichigo’s Chain of Fate. Orihime and Chad are talking to Yoruichi not far from cajoling some lessons from him. Yoruichi says that Ichigo has already begun his preparations for going to Soul Society, and that if my humble self want to be able to use their new powers, other self need to take his lesson. Orihime are just wondering on what’s the big deal is in the vicinity a talking cat. Meanwhile, Tessai is beside on Ichigo that said “he’s going to die”.

Ichigo Dies!

The episode starts with the ending of the previous, whereby Renji mocks Ichigo Kurosaki for not knowing his Zanpakutou’s name, and then attacks him successfully. Ichigo falls to his knees as blood spills out of the wound. Renji stands in barytone of him, swinging his enlarged Zabimaru all about in the air, cliff-hanging Ichigo that it’s over considering of the “beef gap” between them.

With the bouillon of this man; Ichigo Kurosaki continues to fight against and he was almost delightful until Byakuya intervenes. Ichigo is half-dead, and to save Ichigo, Rukia pretends to down him, and returns to Soul Society with Renji and Byakuya. Ichigo is then saved by Urahara and is told that there is a way to get to Soul Society and save Rukia. But first, he must continue to be 10 days of “defile” (training) under Urahara.

Urahara had list of his tone: 10 days to ail Ichigo, 7 to open the gates to Soul Society, and 13 left when the authorities take a premium reached – more over against suitable time. Ichigo remembers Rukia walking through the door without looking back at him, and asks Urahara if in those 10 days, he can become stronger. Urahara says that he will, if he desires from the bottom of his heart to save Rukia. He goes on to say that the dignitary of love is stronger compared with steel, and to leave his doubts and hesitation out in the gutter. Can he be responsible for a life-or-death situation with him for 10 days? Ichigo scratches his head, and then asks Urahara if he even had to ask. He once again remembers Rukia leaving, and feels that the rain has stopped. Yoruichi straits her eyes as he looks up at Urahara with determined eyes. Outside, the moon shines bright.