Fight to the Death! Ichigo VS Ichigo

In a lonely night, Rukia note that she is out of time on her reproduction body. In the morning, when he comes to bring her breakfast, Ichigo realizes she’s already gone. She went to acquaintances store that sells items from Soul Society to the person’s in the knowing. Though the manager Urahara warns her of the dangers, she orders many bottles of medicines to help her with her faux body. She also picks up a special item she had ordered sometimes ago before leaving.

On the school, Rukia gets Ichigo out of class and gives him the special item. It is a Gikongan; a pill that, when swallowed, will extract Ichigo’s soul from his body so he can perform his Death God duties all while placing a provisional soul in his body so his absence won’t noticed. When an order arrives, he doesn’t have the choice to use it and leave school with Rukia. Meanwhile at the store, Urahara finds out his assistant did not bring the right item to Rukia. Now the soul’s in Ichigo’s body is very far from his normal soul. While his soul is easily taking care of the hollow in the city, his body is making a riot in class, displaying its full power in front of classmates and kissing women. When Rukia and Ichigo return to class to stop him, he jumps out the window and escape, and then Rukia releases that she sold s changed soul.

After the loose of his track, Rukia tells Ichigo what a changed soul is. It was part of a Soul Society’s plan to create superhuman souls to live empty human shell in the goal of hunting hollows for the Death Gods. Therefore, when the project canceled because of the humanity of making dead bodies fight, they were all shattered. This one must have escaped by some mean. On the other hand, the mod soul was running or rather jumping around the city until he found some kids playing video games. The easiness which they could delete their characters and just make new ones made the rage of his enslaving by soul society come back. As he’s about to hit them, Ichigo arrives and blocks the attack. Finally the two Ichigo’s are face-to-face.

Sneak preview of bleach episode 134 (subbed)

Here is the sneak preview of the up coming 134 episode of Bleach Manga that will be air on 18th of this month, just for bleach fanatics… Enjoy!

Beat The Invisible Enemy!

Kurosaki get finally Karin back home and she remembers the story of this boy that makes her cry since the death of their mom years ago. Ichigo return quickly to help also Rukia…

Rukia needs the help! Rukia besieged by the hollow as he holds her by the throat and get her in a wall. The hollow keeps holding her throat, wondering why a Death God would stay in a faux body like that. But he had no much time to think; Chad hits him coming out of nowhere as he can’t see the hollow but luckily hits two thrown punches after many punches in air. Because of that, the Hollow spread his wings and flier over them just to get out of reach but with the directions of Rukia, Chad still get to manages to hit it. As they think its end and think they’ve won, a group of frog-monsters shows up behind their back and hold them to the ground and once again by the incredible strength of Chad, he manage himself to get free. By this time, hollow flees much higher. As she gives her attention to hollow, a small monster comes out of its fur and spits big leeches at her that turned to mini-bomb by the hollow screeches and makes her to ground. Chad wants to take over the fight, but the hollow has taken the cockatiel in hostage as they wants to have fun calmly chasing Rukia down. So Rukia had no choice instead to start to run and leeches-bomb keep blowing up on her but after a short while, she stops running. There is no need anymore: Ichigo has finally arrived and quickly turns him into a Death God that would fight the hollow.

When Ichigo has him cornered, it tells him the story of the little boy that turn to Ichigo to get mad and offended that he lets his guard down just enough for the hollow to escape. One Frog-monster throws leeches at Kurosaki again but the Death God grabs them back into its mouth before ripping is tong out. Then he finally beats the hollow, and the Gates of Hell open for him because of all his sins from mortal life and only the soul slayer can purify those from his life as a hollow.

As the little boy’s already severed on chain of fate, he can’t ever come back to life. On the other hand, Ichigo and Rukia talk to him about the beautiful on Soul Society just to cheers him up before he made his goodbyes; Kurosaki performs his Soul Burial in on his end mortal life.

The Cursed Parakeet!

On this episode Chad will to get to receive a message on what his to friend say on about of cursed cockatiel in a birdcage. Which is a normal cockatiel that possessed by a young boy whose a ghost, and the only ghost that witnesses the murder of his mother right through his eyes? Some other say on that bird will bring misfortune to the owners and true enough for that say; Chad will face many accidents, such as traffic accidents to a steel girder falling on him. But finally he due to face a Hollow which Rukia will be there to help him, although she not regained enough of her power to fight bravely and properly. On the later part of this series, the memories of the ghost have flown in to Karin, who feels not well. She begs on Ichigo to tell Shibata that if he goes to heaven, he can see his mum again, and he won’t be lonely anymore.