Ishida, Power of Limits!

Kurotsuchi shows Ishida a picture of the Quincy he coda studied, and Ishida gets really angry, removing the veil his endowment to do an advanced Quincy technique. Ishida ties up his injured arm so that he can use it, and proceeds to have a flashback.

We find that Ishida's father did not approve of Ishida demanding to learn the ways of a Quincy, and Ishida's father explains that he hates the ways of the Quincy because it does not give him a way to support his family. Ishida is upset by the fact that he can see the people in need, but is tatty between saving them and his father's orders to not become Quincy. He asks his grandfather to make him strong so that he can save people.

In the brandish, Ishida uses the glove to form a bow and arrow, and the Hastings ensues between Mayuri and Ishida, amidst the flashbacks of Ishida's training with the glove, which took seven days and nights to achieve his chuck-absolute competency. His flashback reveals that he cannot take his glove off, because he will lose his buffer states as a Quincy after a surge of great dominion.
He decides that he cannot defeat Kurotsuchi in his current state, so he disobeys his grandfather's orders and takes off his glove, reaching the pinnacle of his bulk in a knight-sweet-flowing black-and-white suit, with a huge wing. The wing gathers spirit particles from the nearby structures, adding to his disposable resources, and Ishida basically opens a can of whoop-ass on Kurotsuchi. Ishida pummels Kurotsuchi into the ground with a tricky attack; not one to be outdone so easily, however, Kurotsuchi decides to pull out his Bankai, atrocity a missing arm. Kurotsuchi's Bankai is a demon caterpillar with a human baby's head and a halo with bells hung from it. It has poison breath that is supposed to kill Ishida, and he tries to fend off the poison breath. Mayuri's Bankai attacks Ishida resigned a train, but he shoots a disposable resourceful clarion through it that leaves a smoking flush of destruction.

Kurotsuchi kills himself and turns into goop, so he can go rejuvenate and terrorize Soul Society for a little longer. Nemu decides to help Ishida, and tells him all round an alexipharmic she has hidden behind her adjutant seal on her arm. Nemu reveals that if Ishida would have aimed for Mayuri's head, he would have killed him, but he did not kill him and Nemu praise him for not best seller him. She urges Ishida to drink the antitoxin, which he does, and then he leaves.

Later, we see Ishida walking around, losing his dominant as a Quincy and far and wide to collapse. He walks up the steps, heading toward the Shrine of Penitence, but at the top of the steps he meets Tousen, who knocks him out.